View Full Version : Requirements testing

Dinesh Kartik
08-23-2007, 09:56 AM
The Requirement often changes & it is not properly documented

What is the best approach to test this sort of application?

TGS Expert
08-23-2007, 10:05 AM
1. A Test scope must be defined and presented in a testing workshop to all project stakeholders before you start testing a changed requirement.

2. During such presentations many areas which lack clarity due to undocumented requirements will get clarified.

3. Based on the interaction with the users the developers also will get a better understanding of the undocumented requirements and they will be in a position to confirm if the current code development will cater to the changed requirements. They can also confirm if the tests plannedare adequate and appropriate for the changed requirements

4. When the requirements change during testing the daily defect meeting will be forum where such changes in requirement & consequent change to testing must be discussed and agreed .